



Analyst & Web administrator

I’m more of an introvert with the skills of an extrovert. I love dancing and even more I love to dance. I like to dive into a deeper discussion with a person, but I won’t turn down playful and superficial fun. I take self-defense classes, but I also like other sports. I’m a competitive person, and I try to do things to the fullest. I graduated from an industrial high school, but psychology found me 4 years ago and It has been part of my life ever since. My biggest enemy is fear. I’d rather spend quality time with people than get a gift. I love the historical part of Prague, but more than city life I like the peace and nature of our solitude. When I’m old, I’ll own a forest and bees.


How are you feeling at the moment?
I feel great. I feel like I’m in the right place… exactly where I want to be. Sometimes it’s strange to me how many bad feelings and moods and pain and suffering a person can take when something makes sense to them.

Where do you look for inspiration in your life?
Mostly in music, art and literature.

Is there anything you’re hiding from others?
Lately I’ve started to realise that I actually don’t like people to see my flaws and shortcomings – so I guess my weakness. I only share it with those closest to me.

Who or what does your heart beat for?
For one girl, for psychology, for family, for friends, for the whole truth, beauty and love.

What gave you strength when you needed it the most?
My life story. A look back at everything I’ve been through. What an adventure it’s all been up to this point, and will continue to be. But sometimes it’s hard to realise these things, which is why I’m thankful for my family and friends…

What is the most precious thing in your life?
The truth.

Is there anything that bothers you about today’s society?
I don’t know, actually. I’m more focused on the individual. But if you take a person as a mirror of society, I’d find a lot of things. What bothers me is the lack of privacy and intimacy in the hustle and bustle of social media, the focus on money and not on meaning, the need to reserve against everything that a good person is a good person, the disdain for manual labor, the blindness to the consequences of my (mis)behavior (whatever)… And probably most of all, it actually seems to me that people don’t know where we’re going. The uncertainty about the future bothers me, and the worst part is that I don’t actually know what to do about it, or if there’s anything I can do about it. It’s a struggle, but beauuuutiful!

Do you consider Prague to be anonymous?
Yes, maybe it’s because of where I come from or the postmodern era. When I was first in Prague, people thought it was strange that I greeted them when we met eyes. Now I don’t do that anymore… it’s just that city manners are contagious.

What is the importance of art in public space?
It’s very important, it brings beauty to it, which I find to be lacking in modern architecture.

What is your role in the project and what does it entail?
I joined completely by accident when I was at the UK Open Doors in November three years ago. Somehow I got chatting to the students there and missed the tram. So I sat down on a bench, unwrapped my snack and suddenly I saw a piece of paper with a poem and a QR code next to me. At first I thought it was some girl looking for a suitor and the questions were just used as selection criteria. So I responded in a way to get attention. Well, how I was impressed!

In the project I am in charge of managing the confessions and their statistics, but I also like to be involved in the preparation of various installations.

Best Beer The Kozlovna in Havlíčkův Brod, we go there with friends to drink and chat. It’s a decent place, the beer is cheap and you can play pool there.
Favourite venue The Kočičí čajovna.
Secret spot Our place on the mountain.
Favourite museum House of Jaroslav Hašek in Lipnice.
Favourite greenery Park Budoucnost in Havlíčkův Brod – on the hillside there is a monument of Havlíček Borovský with a beautiful view. I would also like to mention the surroundings of our solitude, it is not a park, but I am close to it and I like to walk through it.