During the course of PRAHO! project, we have managed to collect tens of thousands of emotional expressions and opinions, which sometimes concerningly convey the testimonies of citizens, together with whom we shape the current form of this city. We collect all these confessions using stickers with poetry and QR codes, which we regularly place in random locations throughout Prague.
However, we believe that it is finally time to offer individuals the opportunity to communicate directly with each other. For this reason, we have decided to collaborate with the excellent student initiative Studentská Hybernská.
This initiative has long played the role of a center for culture, science, education, and innovation in Prague. It is intended for gatherings of students, artists, scientists, researchers, and innovators with the general public and the application sphere of the city of Prague. The entire campus, under which the initiative Studentská Hybernská falls, was created by collaboration of Charles University and the city of Prague.
Since the fall of 2022, there is an interactive installation in the campus, aiming to mediate communication through creative expression – through drawings, photography, or sound. People have the opportunity to interact with the artwork on the wall and start a dialogue leading to further artistic expression. The theme of this installation changes every few weeks.
This installation is the first offline realization of the PRAHO! project.